-I work at the best company ever. I would have never thought that a work holiday party could be that much fun but it was. I am so lucky and grateful to work at this place. Also - Beth Kimmerling is awesome and gives amazingly thoughtful gifts. She's the best. Also, I've made some pretty awesome friends at Coyne and that's something I feel so lucky about.
-Going to see the tree in Rockefeller Center can be kind of depressing. Lila and I trekked into the city in the snow to see the tree (I've never been before) but she had already been in the city so I went in to meet up with her. Before I found her (there are only a million people in Rockefeller Center on the Saturday before Christmas) I was asked to take probably 20 pictures of couples who were all in love and stuff. While that is great for them it just reminds that I am alone this Christmas.
-That being said, while I stood there waiting for Lila and taking countless pictures for strangers, I also took a minute to stand back and just watch things. It was snowing and here i was staring at the tree. What more could you ask for? It was beautiful. And as much as the picture taking annoyed me, I also found it oddly reassuring. It's proof that people do still have some good left in them. Countless strangers do this kind gesture for people they don't even know and will never see again. And all with a smile on their face. So many people told me "happy holidays" etc and it's just nice. Also - how can you be sad after you take a picture with a very good friend and Santa? seriously.
-Going to the mall (or shopping in general) the weekend before Christmas is just DUMB. I had a few last minute things to do and it was just awful. Saturday afternoon I went to the Willowbrook mall. I literally just had to run in and pick up a gift card - as task that should've taken about...20 minutes tops. from the minute i entered that ridiculous parking lot, i should've known. I spent 45 minutes driving around/sitting in traffic trying to find a spot. Then I realized that if I didn't head back to Clifton soon - I'd most likely miss my train to the city. So I left. It was a great afternoon of wasted gas and time. So I trekked back this morning and finally found a spot. While the traffic was just as horrific, I still noticed some very cheerful people which made me smile. People holding doors and letting people pull in front of them in the parking lot, etc. All in all a good day.
-Black ice is a bitch. Annie and I both fell (literally) victim to it this weekend. I feel en route to the Morristown diner after the holiday party and almost faceplanted today in front of our house. Annie, on the other hand, fell right on her butt in our driveway. Also, our steep driveway becomes a mountain when covered with ice.
-Annie just made us some very delicious hot chocolate and now we're watching Serendipity while she's trying to guess what I got her for Christmas. mwhaha. She'll never figure it out.
-I think I bought some pretty awesome gifts this year and I'm excited to see the faces on people when they open them.
-I cannot fill out or even shop for cards without crying. I even told Liz today that I wasn't going to do cards. I should've known that wasn't going to happen. i get carried away. Annie came home while i was filling them out and was like omg what happened? since I had been crying. It's ridiculous. When I get old and retire I want to work for Hallmark. true story.
See - I told you this weekend put me into the holiday mood. Happy Holidays!