I have become obsessed with this web site: etsy.com. It has almost anything you could ever want. I've been looking for something to hang up in my pretty much bare room. I have a black and white comforter with pink sheets and need something to perk up the room. I found this poster:

I'm not sure if i'll get this color, but it comes in every color. I've decided that i should start to live my life by this motto. It is one out of a series of posters commissioned to be displayed throughout Britain upon the outbreak of World War II.The intention of the poster was to relay a message from King George VI to his subjects, reassuring them that all possible measures were being taken to ensure the defense of the country.
..but obviously it fits well for other situations as well. and if nothing else i feel like if i look at it when i'm having a bad day it will help me remember that things could always be worse.
This website also has some funky jewelry that i want:

Those rings are customizable, they also have a bracelet too! Not too expensive either. Just thought I'd share. =)
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